Product Information

ACDS Student Package

Designed to take your student from Kindergarten/Pre-1A through Kriah fluency, our ACDS Student Package includes all student materials necessary to learn to read.


The Package will be used over a period of 2-4 years and is for one-time use.


Purchase one for each student. Scroll down for images and details.

Read More Below
  1. Save $10 per student! Includes all 18 Readers and Medallions for a single student's complete Aleph Champ experience.

  2. Includes 9 Spotted Readers and 9 Spotted Medallions developed for a Pre-1A/Kindergarten student.

  3. Includes 9 Solid Readers and 9 Solid Medallions developed for a 1st Grade student.

ACDS Student Package


ACDS Student Package, ACDS Units 1&2 Pack


ACDS Student Package, ACDS Unit 1 Pack


ACDS Student Package, ACDS Unit 2 Pack




Each official medallion is a collectors item to be used as a motivational goal while advancing from one reader to the next.


Unit 1 Medallions - Spotted

Each set contains one necklace and 9 spotted medallions to be added to the necklace as it is earned.


Unit 2  Medallions - Solid

Each set contains one necklace and 9 solid medallions to be added to the necklace as it is earned.




The core of Day School Aleph Champ, these 18 Readers are divided into 2 units.


Unit 1 -  Spotted Designed Readers

These 9 Readers contain all the letters and vowels to teach a student to read short words with open ended sounds.


Unit 2 -  Solid Designed Readers

After graduating from Unit 1,  students continue with these 9 readers which contain all the reading rules and skills that are necessary for accurate and fluent reading.



Use the bookmark found in the front cover of each reader to track the progress of your student, and you will always know which skill he is working on!


Assign, and have parents sign homework right inside the log found in the back of each reader


In Unit 1, test your student for a new stripe using the Chazzarah test page, and then have him color in his new stripe page! Chazzarah test pages are found throughout the readers, and always include previous learned skills.


Our readers are clear and consistent in concepts and layout!


Our readers are filled with skill building pages, breaking down syllables as new vowels are learned.


In Unit 2, our badges are held in high regard and should be colored in each time a new rule is mastered!


Give your student the tools to become an accurate and fluent reader, a Solid Black Champ!


After all reading rules are mastered, color coded reading pages help introduce the concept of fluency to your student!


Interactive, color coded pages to increase awareness and give students a way to work through new rules as they are taught.