Product Information – Aleph Champ & Student Management System
An intelligent Aleph Champ & student management system.
Kytah is a cutting edge platform, equipping teachers and directors with powerful tools to ensure their students succeed.
Intelligent features:
Kytah is feature rich, keeping track of all the students so you can focus on each one individually.
Teachers and directors will receive an alert when a student has not read in while.
Student Progress
At a glance principals are able to gain an insight into student progress and gain an understanding where they are holding and were improvements can be made.
The attendance dashboard will inform principals which students are absent and how often. Attendance data with progress and moral data are powerful to understand a students’ whole wellbeing.
With literally the click of a button Kytah will generate a level completion certificate using the data of each students last progress. Certificates can also be generated manually.
When principals login they will be taken to a dashboard informing them of any unhappy students, absent students, lagging student, student notes submitted by teachers, certificates to print, new level books to prepare and more.
Reading Frequency
Student success depends on how frequent they read. Therefore, Kytah displays the time between reads ensuring no student gets left behind.
Medical Information
Student medical information can be uploaded cautioning teaching to important information.
Class Lists
It’s the one place to beautifully display your classes, teachers and students. Teachers will then have access to their student and class information.
– Level Completion
– Unique Logins
– Simple Updating
– Simple Attendance